
Clickbank Products

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Start Small and you can grow......

You have set your sights on earning an income from the Paid to industry.  Some would say good luck but I will say good for you.  It can be done but you need to keep in mind that you will have to work at it not just sit back and watch.  If you use 20 sites that you earn 4 cents a day from that adds up to $3.44 per month and $41.28 per year per referral.  If you have 100 referrals then you are looking at $4128.00 per year, For me that is six months rent.  I have a couple of programs that I have over 1000 referrals and several others with from 30 on up. 

I earn mine by doing the following,  each morning I open up MarketingPond, one of my downline builders, and open each program in turn and click the ads.  After I have gone through all the programs there I open my advertising list and post a few ads for MarketingPond, Zeekler, or one of my other programs that I make an earning from.  I use MarketingPond because all the programs are free to join and earn.  I'm a paid member of several of these programs but I joined each as a free member and when I had built a balance in my account I used it to upgrade.  One must be careful in upgrading in that sometimes it is not worth the money you put out.

Most of these Paid to sites are risky but if you don't put any money into them and only upgrade using what you have earned all you have lost if it fails, is a little time.  Zeekler is one program that I have a paid membership in and it makes me the most money,  it has a catalog of great items and also an advertising option that can earn you unlimited income.

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