
Clickbank Products

Monday, December 5, 2011

How to earn an extra $2000

I have 20 PTC sites and earn 200 dollars from them.  This is all as a free member and only my clicking.

I log into each one early each morning and read all the ads that they have.  Anytime of the day would be ok as one can click each ad once per twenty-four hour period.  Just think what this would mean if you had 20 referrals.  You and twenty referrals clicking each day should net you about $2000.00 a year.  I don't know what you think but in my family $2000. would be an awful good Christmas.  Or maybe you are more frugal, and would want to use it to pay your taxes.

The point is it is not all that hard to make extra money by using free sites.  In the illustration above I've used twenty sites that I have been member of for some time and they all pay good.  I am a free member in all of them but ClixSense where I have an upgraded membership.  I also use the toolbar for ClixSense and get eight to ten premium ads daily.

Some of the sites I will list for you will be sites that I either own or have an interest in. I say I will list because I am still building a site to carry all these sites. (my own downline builder)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Start Small and you can grow......

You have set your sights on earning an income from the Paid to industry.  Some would say good luck but I will say good for you.  It can be done but you need to keep in mind that you will have to work at it not just sit back and watch.  If you use 20 sites that you earn 4 cents a day from that adds up to $3.44 per month and $41.28 per year per referral.  If you have 100 referrals then you are looking at $4128.00 per year, For me that is six months rent.  I have a couple of programs that I have over 1000 referrals and several others with from 30 on up. 

I earn mine by doing the following,  each morning I open up MarketingPond, one of my downline builders, and open each program in turn and click the ads.  After I have gone through all the programs there I open my advertising list and post a few ads for MarketingPond, Zeekler, or one of my other programs that I make an earning from.  I use MarketingPond because all the programs are free to join and earn.  I'm a paid member of several of these programs but I joined each as a free member and when I had built a balance in my account I used it to upgrade.  One must be careful in upgrading in that sometimes it is not worth the money you put out.

Most of these Paid to sites are risky but if you don't put any money into them and only upgrade using what you have earned all you have lost if it fails, is a little time.  Zeekler is one program that I have a paid membership in and it makes me the most money,  it has a catalog of great items and also an advertising option that can earn you unlimited income.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Consistent Earning

What does it take to have a consistent income from  our online endeavors?  I will try to impart to you my views on this subject.  I sure that there are a lot of high earners that will tell you the same thing as I am going to say here today.  I am earning about hundred times the amount today as I was when I started 10 years ago.  Each year sees a little more than the one before.

Each year I seem to have more referrals in my downlines, could this be why my earnings keep growing?  I would have to say yes.  The key to consistent earning is downline.  If you have a good downline then even when you cannot give a full day you will still earn.  The other thing I do is make sure I log into each program I am member of and do something, the Bux sites this takes only a few minutes.  If you are a member of a clix site then you must login daily or take the chance of being deleted.

I have found a good way of making sure I don't forget a site is to bookmark each one in a file or to open up my downline builder, MarketingPond, and just go down the list.  Another builder I use is GlobalTeamBuilder,  It has some of the same programs as MarketingPond and some that the admin has added from his list.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Performance Boosters?

Wow, can you believe the way the price of gasoline has increased?  The price around here is over three dollars now.  And that is cheaper than most other places.  I hear that some of Europe is over $7.00.  We need to do something!  I don't think we have much control on the 'cartels' so what can we do? 

Several years ago we went through similar times and I found a gasoline additive that worked real good.  When added to the fuel it would increase the mileage by as much 20 to 30%.  At that time I was driving an older model car with a v-8 engine and the gas mileage was not to good around 12-14 miles to the gallon of gas. I started using "Mix-I-Go" the gasoline additive and increased my mileage to 16 mpg. This fuel additive was discovered and patented by Bell Laboratory of Florida and marketed by multi-level company out of Ada Oklahoma.

Now that the price of gas has gotten so high I'm sure you are going to see these companies come out of the woodwork to get in on the game.  I have already seen several that are vying for the market.  As consumers we are going to have to be mighty careful on where we buy.  With the truth in merchandising laws we can be sure that the companies will be slick.

I have already looked at several of these companies and selected one that I see as being the nearest to the 'Mix-I-Go" formula and that is the one I'm going with.  You see this company here.  I like this one as it has one formula for all fuels, the only thing lacking in the "Mix-I-Go" product.

The other thing we want to be mindful of is that it is good for us and our world. This product, Mileage Maxx, is approved by the US EPA as being environment friendly.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Residual Income

Well things have been pretty hectic around here of late.  I have been pretty busy with placing ads and the like. (on free sites of course)  Want to pick up a few more referrals so my residual income will continue even when I am not able to be there.

ClixSense has added a new feature, tool bar, and it has increased the number of ads I get to view by at least 100 %.  Before I installed it I never could get the bigger value ads now I get most of them.  Since Christmas I have gotten a 3 center and 5 center. If you have not yet done it you should download and install the toolbar, it will sure increase your ads that you see.  ClixSense puts up several ads in a day that only last a few minutes before they are all clicked up, with the toolbar you increase your chances of getting to click them.

To get back on track here if you are wanting to make a lasting income with any program you will need some way to show consistent earning and the only way I know to do that is to have someone earning at all times.  If you can't then have referrals that are.  If you are using free programs to earn online with then you will want to get some referrals to help you.

Of course getting referrals is pretty easy but keeping them is another story.  To get and keep good and active referrals you need to keep them informed.  Remember they are people just like you so treat them the way you would want to be treated.  In other words make friends then referrals and always treat them as friends.  You keep their earning in mind and your earning will take care of itself.

If you like to make friends a good place to go is forums and discussion sites like MyLot or Facebook.