I have 20 PTC sites and earn 200 dollars from them. This is all as a free member and only my clicking.
I log into each one early each morning and read all the ads that they have. Anytime of the day would be ok as one can click each ad once per twenty-four hour period. Just think what this would mean if you had 20 referrals. You and twenty referrals clicking each day should net you about $2000.00 a year. I don't know what you think but in my family $2000. would be an awful good Christmas. Or maybe you are more frugal, and would want to use it to pay your taxes.
The point is it is not all that hard to make extra money by using free sites. In the illustration above I've used twenty sites that I have been member of for some time and they all pay good. I am a free member in all of them but ClixSense where I have an upgraded membership. I also use the toolbar for ClixSense and get eight to ten premium ads daily.
Some of the sites I will list for you will be sites that I either own or have an interest in. I say I will list because I am still building a site to carry all these sites. (my own downline builder)